About the Usurpation and Destruction of Palestine through Zionist Spatial Planning
A Unique Planning Issue
Viktoria Waltz - Herausgeberin - Dortmund 2010 – Eigenverlag
Die hier in loser Folge zur Veröffentlichung vorliegenden Texte geben einen detaillierten Einblick in die Vorgänge, die zum Konstrukt Israel geführt haben und lassen keinen Zweifel daran, dass es unter den bestehenden zionistischen Rahmenbedingungen um nichts geringeres als das Ganze geht, um ein jüdisches Israel ohne Palästinenser und mit keinem Impuls für zwei Staaten, die nebeneinander leben könnten und auch nicht um eine Integration Israels in den Nahen Osten, sondern um die Fortsetzung des aggressiven, zerstörerischen Kurses bis hin zu weiteren Kriegen. (wöchentlich mittwochs online)
Further Devastation and Destruction - Judaizing the West Bank and the Gaza Strip after the Occupation 1967, an overview
3. Gaza - the ‘Hawaii of Israel’ – a Short Story
Conclusion from the part before (see all articles Archiv Nov/Dez 2010):
Since Oslo of September 1993 to Camp David summit of July 2000, Israel has added more than 17.000 new housing units to the body of the colonies; thus constituting a major blow to the peace process and revealing Israel’s intentions toward fulfilling its obligations to carry out any significant withdrawal from the illegal colonies in the occupied territories. Furthermore, Israel confiscated in the following 5 years of the “interim period” more than 36,000 dunam in and around Jerusalem city and even after the Why River Memorandum of 1998 which stressed that neither party takes any measures that might alter the final status negotiations; Israel went and advocated 27 illegal Israeli outposts in that period.
In the year 2007, the number of colonies in the West Bank reached 199 colonies hosting nearly 530000 Israeli settlers, of which 230,000 settlers lived in 14 colonies in the East Jerusalem area. These colonies concentrate on hilltops overlooking and surrounding Palestinian populated areas, areas that block the merging of Palestinian populated areas while facilitating the merging of colonies, areas that may be easily annexed to Israel in the future, or areas that secure economic resources, militarily advantage or negotiating leverage. Furthermore, Israel is using the Wall to usurp nearly 50% of the West Bank.
The systematic long term planning to judaise the West Bank represented in the establishment of colonies, bypass roads, closed military areas, nature reserves and security zones describe this anticipated situation that Israel is trying to impose on Palestinians a final status situation without negotiations or consideration of unalienable Palestinian rights. Consequently, by creating what they believe to be "irreversible facts on the ground" to dictate their own terms to any potential peace agreement with the Palestinians, Israel aims to put an end to any prospect of a viable Palestinian State over occupied territories of 1967.
The result of such plans is the grouping of Palestinian towns and villages into many separate cantons. Indeed, the Israeli intention is to make the contiguity of any Palestinian state in the future practically unattainable and eventually to reach control and even a new Israeli map over 100% of the once promised Palestine of Balfour Declaration.
Jad Isaac, Viktoria Waltz
3. Gaza - the ‘Hawaii of Israel’ – a Short Story
Gaza - a nightmare for Israel rather than ‘Hawaii’? Controlling Gaza Region was never easy, over-crowding, poverty, frustration and a highly politicised population made it always difficult. Gaza created the core cell of the liberation movement, the PLO after 1948. From here Yassir Arafat started the armed liberation fight. However Gaza was more to Israel than a left over part of Mandate Palestine, hence a border area to the Sinai, the Suez Canal and an entrance to Africa. Napoleon's army once sacked the area, also looking for a promised land of historical meaning; they came the other way round, however his campaign was a big failure. Thousands of Palestinians were plundered and killed, but also his soldiers went back defeated. Israel tried the same. In the 90th the colonists had to leave Sinai, in the beginning of the 21st century Israel's army and colonists had to leave the Gaza colonies. But does that mean that Gaza is liberated and taken off from Israel's secret map?
Jad Isaac, Viktoria Waltz
3. Gaza - the ‘Hawaii of Israel’ – a Short Story
Gaza - a nightmare for Israel rather than ‘Hawaii’? Controlling Gaza Region was never easy, over-crowding, poverty, frustration and a highly politicised population made it always difficult. Gaza created the core cell of the liberation movement, the PLO after 1948. From here Yassir Arafat started the armed liberation fight. However Gaza was more to Israel than a left over part of Mandate Palestine, hence a border area to the Sinai, the Suez Canal and an entrance to Africa. Napoleon's army once sacked the area, also looking for a promised land of historical meaning; they came the other way round, however his campaign was a big failure. Thousands of Palestinians were plundered and killed, but also his soldiers went back defeated. Israel tried the same. In the 90th the colonists had to leave Sinai, in the beginning of the 21st century Israel's army and colonists had to leave the Gaza colonies. But does that mean that Gaza is liberated and taken off from Israel's secret map?
3.1 Gaza Region under British Mandate until 1948
Gaza Region, before the establishment of the State of Israel was a low populated agricultural and fertile region. At the end of British Mandate there lived nearly 70.000 people, from them around 35.000 living in Gaza City and around 12.000 people in Khan Yunis, beside some 15 small villages, producing vegetables, fruits, especially famous kinds of dates. Strong economic relations existed to the other coastal commercial centres and to Sinai, hence Egypt. At the end of the war 1947- 49 Gaza Region’s tranquil life changed dramatically. Since then the ‘Gaza Strip’ became the synonym of the biggest refugee camp on earth. In the ethnic cleansing program of Ben Gurions military consultancy the Negev and the south coast was not excluded. In the last phase of the butchering end of 1948 Umm Rashrash, now Eilat, Gaza ad Rafah were bombed, thousands of Bedouins from the Negev were expelled to Gaza Region as well as the total population of Isdud (today Ashdod) and Majdal (today Ashkelon) by force (Pappe 2006: 193pp). At the end of 1948 the population of the Gaza Region had doubled. Until the 'Sinai War' in 1956, Gaza Region suffered several Israeli military attacks, people were killed, during the war new refugees came up. In 1956 the population figure increased to 400.000. ....
Gaza Region, before the establishment of the State of Israel was a low populated agricultural and fertile region. At the end of British Mandate there lived nearly 70.000 people, from them around 35.000 living in Gaza City and around 12.000 people in Khan Yunis, beside some 15 small villages, producing vegetables, fruits, especially famous kinds of dates. Strong economic relations existed to the other coastal commercial centres and to Sinai, hence Egypt. At the end of the war 1947- 49 Gaza Region’s tranquil life changed dramatically. Since then the ‘Gaza Strip’ became the synonym of the biggest refugee camp on earth. In the ethnic cleansing program of Ben Gurions military consultancy the Negev and the south coast was not excluded. In the last phase of the butchering end of 1948 Umm Rashrash, now Eilat, Gaza ad Rafah were bombed, thousands of Bedouins from the Negev were expelled to Gaza Region as well as the total population of Isdud (today Ashdod) and Majdal (today Ashkelon) by force (Pappe 2006: 193pp). At the end of 1948 the population of the Gaza Region had doubled. Until the 'Sinai War' in 1956, Gaza Region suffered several Israeli military attacks, people were killed, during the war new refugees came up. In 1956 the population figure increased to 400.000. ....
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